Noteworthy Book

"The Little Prince"
On the little planet that the little prince lived on, there grew a kind of tree. The little prince said that if he didn't pull it out as soon as he saw such a tree...

Supreme Master Ching Hai's Commentary On Excerpts From Kahil Gibran's: The Prophet - Chapter On Giving Charity
Give just because you want to give, with no intention. Give, because you are honored to be God's tool in giving.

Kabir's Poems
Kabir's poems are very popular among the people, and he remains a well-known name today. His poetic creations are marked by sarcasm and his spiritual verses are beautifully written.

Communicating With The Holy Spirit--The Story Of Bernadette
I am not saying that Bernadette experienced the highest vision; I am citing her story just to let you know why some people experience spiritual visions and samadhi while others do not. An extremely pure person...

Personages In "The Journey To The West"
The more I read it, the more I admire the writer. He has given very vivid descriptions about our lives and inner qualities and uses all kinds of metaphors to depict the obstacles in spiritual practice and ways to overcome them.

Beware The Monsters On The Spiritual Path
Beware! There are many monsters. It's not that you encounter monsters only when you go on a pilgrimage to the West to get the Buddhist Scriptures.