Mysteries of The Universe

Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: The Secrets of Venus
Billions of years ago, Venus was once a lush, beautiful, Earth-like planet, full of life and hope. However, the Venus that we see today is trapped in extremely dense layers of carbon dioxide ...

Revelations on the Magnanimous Sun and the Universe
What tremendous benefits does the sun provide to our spiritual elevation and denomination? What is the link between solar flares and spiritual attainment? What proof is there of life on Mars? ...

Revealing the Mystery of the Pyramids and Crop Circles
During a video conference with Supreme Master Television staff, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed the unknown mysteries of the historical remains left by ancient civilization and crop circles ...

Benevolent Messages from Mars- Be Virtuous and Save the Earth球
Mars has fascinated humankind for centuries, and most recently a NASA research mission to the “Red Planet” has uncovered the exciting possibility of life there ...

Master’s Journeys to The Higher Regions of The Cosmos
Through long and intensive meditation, Supreme Master Ching Hai has uncovered many secrets in higher Realms of the universe. Do you know the qualities of different Regions such as “Peace Stream”...

The Joy of Homecoming: Master’s Rediscovery of the Original Universe
During the Lunar New Year 2014, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed a precious secret of the Universe that she had discovered in her deep meditation : the Original Universe, the Source of all Creation ...

How to Get the Most Blessings
To help us to be more aware of the blessings we have been given and the way to gain more for ourselves and the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai has revealed on several occasions the number of spiritual points needed to achieve certain attributes of human life...

The Truth About Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them
Everything we do in daily life affects our spiritual points; we gain (+) or lose (-). Nothing in this world is free ...

The Great Blessing of the Sun
Let me tell you a secret, a very special secret that nobody has probably ever told you. If a person, good at heart, does no harm to no one, not necessary that he does good to anyone, but just does no harm, and if he follows a vegan diet ...